Android Development

Revolutionary Step for Revolutionary Business

Android Development

An introduction to smartphones and the interesting world of Mobile Apps
Indians prefer Android-running smartphones: Nielsen
A recent Nielsen report has highlighted that the use of smartphones in India is becoming the primary mode for the majority of the country’s 900 million mobile phone subscribers to stay connected.
Mobile applications or mobile apps are applications developed for small handheld devices, such as mobile phones, smartphones, Tablets and so on. Mobile apps can come loaded on the handheld device as well as can be downloaded by users from app stores or the Internet. Smartphones will increasingly replace feature phones in stores. Nearly everyone will be able to use smartphone apps, not just – as of now – business people, social networkers and gamers. Smartphones are small computers which are becoming more and more powerful. They will be suitable for an increasing number of tasks which have previously been restricted to laptops or desktops. Today smartphone apps are used by companies to promote their brand or product, or to provide access to their existing products. In the future we will see a lot more use-cases, e.g. new products enabled by apps, mobile health, mobile selling, or apps which help to improve working efficiency within a company.

For the foreseeable future, Smartphones will always depend on the app stores. If you have a smartphone or advanced feature phone you will have easy and convenient access to the world of apps.

Custom mobile application development being one of the core strengths of J.S.I, we provide mobile interface to Line of Business Solutions, which makes field force and senior management to be in touch with back office all the time, on the move. Our developers and consultants provide full-cycle services from requirements gathering to application development and support.

Our developers design custom mobile solutions for businesses not only in Thane, Mumbai but worldwide. J.S.I one of the leading providers of mobile solutions, websites and application development company, focuses on balancing the three goals – user, technology and business goals for creating a mobile experience for your end customers. We offer mobile web design services that help your brand connect with your target audience, instantly and effortlessly. We address all specific requirements of your business by thoroughly understanding your needs.

Mobile application development for custom made applications builds a strong development area for added functionality and improved performance of smartphones. The most popular Smartphones are the iPhone, Blackberry and Android, possessing different strengths that suits individual business and personal needs. We at J.S.I appreciate that business requirements vary significantly which yields a need for customized mobile applications development to create value-added applications tailored exactly to your specific business requirements for enhanced efficiency, functionality and value addition. We also create simple yet sophisticated mobile applications for all major platforms - Android, Blackberry, iPhone and Windows.

Features of Mobile applications on different Platforms :

Development of iPhone custom-made applications for the most popular communicative device to today – the iPhone, combines the power of internet with its remarkable Multi-touch technology and extraordinary features.

Android Mobile
Android Mobile Application Development using the popular Google Android Platform for Smartphones to take advantage of its design, compatibility and flexible features to create innovative next generation android applications.

Blackberry Custom Application Development at J.S.I, caters to all your business specific needs and leaves you connected with everything that is important in your personal and professional lives.

Windows Mobile
Custom Windows Mobile Applications development for smartphones and mobile handsets using the Windows Mobile platform for unique business needs of your organization to increase your productivity and improve your competitive.

Mobile Apps – Benefits :

Build loyalty
Reinforce your brand
Increase your visibility
Increase your accessibility
Increase exposure across mobile devices
Connect you with on the go consumers
Generate repeat business
Give you tools that are driving the “New App Economy”
Enhance your social networking strategies

Benefits for Clients

Easy access to your organization's information
Notifications of special events, launches, and more
One touch access to your contact information
Directions to your location from wherever they are
Fast, seamless appointment scheduling (optional)
Automatic reminders as per requirement
Embedded QR Code Scanner
Extras: Tools, calculators, etc
Unmatched user-experience: Apps offer a user-experience which mobile Websites or widgets are unable to provide.

Why choose J.S.I for your Mobile App Development ?

Types of Mobile Applications we develop :

Get Ingenious & Custom-built Cross-platform Mobile applications creatively designed and developed for all leading-edge Smart phones from J.S.I today.